Tender - T-2021-616 - Reject and Negotiate - Revitalisation of Perry Park: Park Upgrade, Synthetic Sportsfield, Amenities and Associated Works and Contract Variation - Head Design Consultant
- 05/12/2022 - Agenda item, Corporate, Finance, Properties and Tenders Committee Tender - T-2021-616 - Reject and Negotiate - Revitalisation of Perry Park: Park Upgrade, Synthetic Sportsfield, Amenities and Associated Works and Contract Variation - Head Design Consultant 05/12/2022
- 12/12/2022 - Published decision: Tender - T-2021-616 - Reject and Negotiate - Revitalisation of Perry Park: Park Upgrade, Synthetic Sportsfield, Amenities and Associated Works and Contract Variation - Head Design Consultant
- 12/12/2022 - Agenda item, Council Tender - T-2021-616 - Reject and Negotiate - Revitalisation of Perry Park: Park Upgrade, Synthetic Sportsfield, Amenities and Associated Works and Contract Variation - Head Design Consultant 12/12/2022