Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee

This page lists the meetings for Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee.


Information about Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee

Keeping on track


Transport for NSW (RMS) is the organisation responsible for the control of traffic on all roads in NSW. In order to deal with the large number and range of traffic-related matters effectively, Transport for NSW (RMS) has delegated certain aspects of traffic control on local roads to councils.


The Transport for NSW (RMS) delegation to councils limits the types of prescribed traffic control devices and facilities that a council can authorise and imposes certain conditions on councils. One of these conditions requires councils to refer all traffic-related matters to its traffic committee prior to exercising its delegated functions.


The Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee (LPCTCC) considers the needs of pedestrians, cyclists and motorists in the City of Sydney.


The Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee has no decision-making powers. It is primarily a technical review body which is required to advise Council and City staff on traffic-related matters. Council and City staff are therefore not bound or required to implement a proposal supported by the Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee. Any proposal supported by the Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee must be approved by either the elected Council or authorised City staff (depending on the nature of the proposal) if it is to be implemented. This can only be done when the advice of the Committee is unanimous. Where the advice of the Committee is not unanimous, Council must separately notify and obtain the endorsement of Transport for NSW and NSW Police.



Four formal (voting) representatives, one from each of the following:


·             one representative of Council (Chairperson or alternate Chairperson);

·             one representative of NSW Police;

·             one representative of Transport for NSW;

·             the local State Member of Parliament (MP) or their nominee;

·             one representative of a relevant NSW Government agency (where applicable)*.

Representatives of NSW Police and State MPs can only vote on matters in their respective command or electorate.

*The NSW Government agencies are formal (voting) members for matters relating to roads over which they have jurisdiction only (for example, Property NSW / Place Management NSW / Infrastructure NSW). The City of Sydney Council is not a formal (voting) member for these matters.


Informal (non-voting) representatives, where relevant, from each of the following:


·             Bus Operators representative;

·             Transport Workers Union representative;

·             Cycling Representative;

·             Pedestrian Representative;

·             Local Health District Representative.


The Chairperson and their alternate shall be determined by Council. Views of informal members are considered but not binding.