Exemption from Tender and Contract Extension - Self Insurers Claim System

29/06/2020 - Exemption from Tender and Contract Extension - Self Insurers Claim System

It is resolved that:

(A)      Council approve an exemption from tender to enter into a three-year agreement for Maintenance and Support of the Self-Insurers Claims System (SIMS) upon the expiry of the current contract;

(B)      Council note the reasons a satisfactory outcome is not possible is due to the following extenuating circumstances:

(i)         significant time and effort has been expended to tailor the existing solution to the needs of the business, and the cost and effort to move to a new system is prohibitively significant compared with the cost of the three-year exemption;

(ii)        NTT DATA Figtree Systems Pty Ltd is the sole provider of the relevant maintenance and support, and a competitive tender process is not possible (because it is not possible to get another supplier to support the bespoke solution developed by NTT DATA Figtree Systems Pty Ltd.);

(iii)      NTT DATA Figtree Systems Pty Ltd was evaluated as best value for money from a competitive tender process, and a repeat tender process is unlikely to yield a different outcome; and

(iv)      the existing system meets the current needs of the City; and

(C)      authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate, execute and administer the contract with the supplier NTT DATA Figtree Systems Pty Ltd.

Carried unanimously.
